Saturday, September 6, 2008


Below are the process of making assignment 3

1)First, I divided my background into two parts. The left side was colored light blue by using live paint bucket and gradient. I drew some white clouds too. The right side was colored yellow and there was a semicircle. I used blur effect , Gaussian Blur

2) After that, I drew a plain. The plain was divided into two parts. The left part was colored green while the right part was colored yellow by using pen tool, live paint bucket and gradient.

3) I drew a trunk on the middle of my background. The left side was colored brown while the right side was colored black.

4) Then, I used pen tool to draw leaves and birds on the left side. I colored the birds black in color and the trees green in color by using live paint bucket and gradient.

5) I used type tool to type the words and put the phrase “Save Trees, Save The World, Save Us” at the bottom of my poster. The words were green, blue, and light yellow and black in color. My font was “ coppeeplate gothic bold ”

6) Finally, I put my logo at the bottom of the right side of my poster.
My font had DROP SHADOW and blur.

My final work!!
save trees, save the world, save us~

1 comment:

shawnn loo said...

your blog are meaningful......

Ur poster as well, I like it the poster.